Plan your stay around our added-value packages

Same Day Savings
Unbeatable rate for one night at Blackbird Inn
Call the Blackbird Inn the SAME DAY you want to stay for an unbeatable rate. When calling to make your reservation, simply say “SAME DAY SAVINGS”. If there is availability the SAME NIGHT you will receive this special rate. This may include some weekend nights at a slightly higher rate, based on availability!
Call Blackbird Inn at 1-707-226-2450 for more information
*New Reservations Only. May not be combined with other special offers. This is not offered nor bookable on other travel sites. Gift Cards issued by third parties, such as bedandbreakfast.com, may not be combined or redeemed with this special offer.

The Pop the Top Package
Celebrate your special occasion in style!
- A bottle of Schramsberg Mirabelle sparkling wine
- Box of four chocolate truffles
$50, plus tax, in addition to room rate